Publicise your kindle book

By having a separate page, you will make your kindle book promotion that bit easier to publicise. Compared to most forms of traditional advertising, facebook ads are still quite reasonably pricedand they allow you to reach very specific demographics. Yet it covers a wide range of ideas to market and publicise your book. A grand but overused tactic to improve kindle book sales is to spread your book s amazon sale page link to as many free and paid book promotion sites as possible.

If you are looking for places to submit your free kdp select promotion for your kindle ebook, you are in the right place. I use to work for a company that specialized in promoting authors via. It appears as if though youve gotten some pretty good advice thus far. Hitting the publish button increase kindle book sales. We support our authors efforts to promote their books worldwide, but at the same time we work to prevent any manipulation of the kindle publishing service. Prepare, publish, promote promote your book kindle merchandising programs author central. Im new to this as well, i have 3 e books out there floating on the kindle sea. If erotica, theyll only promote to certain sites that allow it. Apart from that, you can create an ebook for other thirdparty online book stores apple books, kindle store, etc. Pitch your book to publications linked to your niche audience.

An insiders guide to getting your book the attention it deserves deval, jacqueline on amazon. Ebooks can be written about nearly any topic, for any niche, and for any business. Paula mclains critically acclaimed novel, the paris wife, a new york times best seller and winner of many awards, is not a selfpublished ebook. How to promote books on facebook in a way you havent. How to promote your book on amazon group 7877 members. Run a social media giveaway, gift your books to readers at an event, or send copies to newsletter subscribers. Your book will be available on amazon in the us, uk, spain, france, italy and germany. Five simple ways to promote your selfpublished book. An amazon central author page is a musthave promotion tool tip.

As soon as your book is live on amazon, send out a. When readers buy a book they like, they can lend it to others. How to become an ebook superstar books the guardian. Send out your first email before your book is live.

Consider whether you have a landing page for your upcoming book release or at least the books you have written. Using the kindle direct publishing select program, i gave the book away for free for the first 5. If youre a kindle publisher, then im excited to share with you a powerful new software that. These are free tips i have picked up along the way that i feel every author should be aware of. Each idea will only take around ten minutes for you to do. Youre about to publish your ebook on kindle direct publishing kdp. This is an essential book for any first time author. With these goals in mind, here are 20 book marketing tips to help your book sales after publishing your book. Just like a traditional publishing company would, you ought to promote your novel with online promotion or an article on your author blog sharing the official launch of your kindle book. Publicize your book by jacqueline deval was everything i expected it to be. Let your engaged readership know that your book is just hours away from being shipped to the kindle store. You can repeatedly use your video as a marketing tool by changing the teaser content you post along with the video url.

Your author page is your author homepage on amazon. Create an amazon kdp account, upload your book and set the price. Publishing your book will take a lot of research, perseverance, and patience, but it will be worth it to see your work in print. We take the burden of your book for promotion while you are busy working on your next book, by promoting it every day on our social networks. Just foolow them and they will follow u back and promote your ebook for. If you are an author and would like to have your book promoted for free on our site, please fill out the form below. There is so much you can do on to help promote your book and give you the exposure you deserve. And speaking of sharing twitter is the place to share yourself, your worldview and your topical expertise via how you curate what comes at you every day.

Writing a book for kindle is usually the easy part for an author. The more someone likes what you have to share in your tweets, the more likely he or she will be to check out your book. How to increase your amazon kindle book sales by 600% in a. Im new to this as well, i have 3 ebooks out there floating on the kindle sea. I can tell you its frustrating to see them out there with their orange life preservers on. Talk about the takeaways of your ebook in your video and then show a link to your ebook at the end of your video. For anything outside of that, amazon takes 65%, and you get 35%. How to use twitter to promote your new book or other product.

Publishing a book might seem even more daunting than writing one. Build anticipation by reminding your readers of the hard work youve done and the benefits theyll get from reading your work. Facebook has become a paytoplay network, requiring paid ads if you want to get visibility with more people for your posts. Offers of interviews or guest blogs may also encourage bloggers to publicise your book. One powerful way to launch a new book is by using amazons kdp select program. How to increase your amazon kindle book sales by 600% in a week. I use to work for a company that specialized in promoting authors via amazon. Advertise your book on your blog, social networks, and forums, to concentrate. A grand but overused tactic to improve kindle book sales is to spread your books amazon sale page. An insiders guide to getting your book the attention it deserves. If you use email a lot or have an email list, this is as close to word of mouth advertising as you can get. Yes, paulas novel still selling well in hardcover is available on a kindle.

To publish your book, you have to make sure its in the best possible shape before you take it to agents or publishers. How to selfpublish your book through amazon forbes. If theres one question that is eternal and ongoing in our author community, then its how to sell more books sales are always on our mind and wherever we are in the bestseller chart, we look a little enviously at those above us in this article, we have ideas and solutions for you 50 of them in fact which should be more than enough ways to promote your book. How to market your kindle ebook in 10 steps wishpond. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading publicize your book updated. This promotion is a powerful way to kickstart the sales of your kindle book, so to get lots of downloads you need to advertise your free days in. We are here to give an extra helping hand to authors with our online book promotion. How to promote your book for free, top the charts, and make sales by ray a. However, i have to comment about the book you used for art at the top of this post. At author central, you create your author page where you can share the most uptodate information about yourself and your works with millions of readers. This giant questionandanswer site is perfect for flaunting your expertise and answering questions related. Its also very honest about the muchhyped methods for becoming an amazon bestseller and why they may not work for you.